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Aug 29, 2011
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Ditch The Facebook And Join To Google+

Many analysts wonder about the likelihood of success of Google’s new social network Google+ and its ability to compete with Facebook. I think we can not compare Google+ with Facebook because it is not just another social network, but it is a new entity on the Internet that made Google restructure its services – we cannot deny that Facebook has the lead in social networking and has a huge user base. But there are reasons that made ​​me think of doing away with Facebook, and use Google+ instead.

       1. Integration of Google+ with other Google services:

Of the most important features in Google+  is the  integration  with other Google services, by connecting all of  Gmail, GTalk chat and the personal profile and Picasa , and the Private Messages in Google Plus are the same Gmail emails. Do not forget also the other Google services, where they are a big difference when combined.

       2.  The ease in the management of contacts:

Google Circles , one of the most beautiful properties available in the Google Plus , due to its flexibility in controlling the groups of parents and friends in an easy way than the available in Facebook.

        3.  Android OS :  

“Android” operating system made ​​by Google, the most widely used smart phone system in the market,  certainly will give Google a push to provide its applications to work seamlessly with this new social network , through ease of communication and sharing  pictures or conversation

        4.  Easy access to new things and sharing it :

Google Sparks Service , is another feature where Google excels on Facebook. Google used its capabilities and expertise in search , and has provided in Sparks the easier  way to get something new and share it with your friends , unlike Facebook, where to get  a new content , you are obliged to browse outside the Facebook , and certainly  you will use Google to search for it.

       5. The ability to download all your data and your information:

Many problems revolved around the privacy and the protection of Facebook users. While Google provides you with a very nice feature to load your data and updates and all your photos. with one Click.

        6. Picasa and sharing photos:

Sharing photos in Google Plus is originally Picasa service, which is characterized by a lot of options and tools.

        7. Collective Conversation:

One of The wonderful services in Google Plus is  ”Hangouts”  which is a video conversations and the meeting of a group of users at the same . But Facebook has recently issued this feature through  an agreement with Skype to provide video calls.

        8. Privacy of share

Privacy was always been too controversial for many analysts and users in social networks , but Google was aware of this issue since the beginning through the idea of ”Circles”  and the possibility of selection of the circle you want when you add each update or writing something new.

       9. Google,  best place to store your data:

Building a social network is a host of users’ information on the servers of the hosting company. Google is a more mature company, which in my opinion, it could be trusted more than Facebook. Google logo known as “Don’t Be Evil”.

       10.  What can Google do  in the future?

Google has a lot of services that bring in large profits, such as advertising services Adsense, AdWords, and perhaps it will integrate them into Google+  as it did in Blogger and YouTube. Google “CheckOut” is also a great feature that may add to its network.  You can count all Google services and predict how Google plus will be if it was integrated with all of these services.

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Skype Free Voucher codes 60 Minutes Free Credit

Get Skype Free Voip Calling Voucher Codes for 60 MinutesFree Skype Creditworth €1.17Skype is Voip Calling Sevice user make high quality calls anywhere in the world and skype anthoer feature is instant messaginig service.
Go to IFeelGoods on Facebook Fanpage and click like button, and click on credits tab and click on Get credit on Skype 60 Minutes Voucher code.
Once you got Skype Voucher code ,Redeem your skype free voucher code inSkype’s voucher redeem page, Login your skype account and paste in yourskype voucher code, Now Make Skype Free International Phone Callings ,and Enjoy, Offer Limited Time Hurry and get it.
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FREE 3G Tricks Unlimited With UDP in TATA DOCOMO 2011

As We Know Open VPN  Tricks Has Been Stopped Because Of Server Updation.So I Found New Trick For Free Udp.

1. Go To [ Https://Www.Pdproxy.Com/Signup.Htm ]
2. Sign Up For An Account ( Sign Up For Free Here )
3. Verify Ur Account By Checking Ur Mail.(Check Spam Or Inbox)
4. Download Pdproxy.Zip Folder. By Clicking On Download
5. Open Zip Folder And Click On Pd-Proxy
6. Select Demo Server From Server List And Select Udp.
7. Enter Login_Id And Password Your Connected

The Main Trick Is

1. Site Info..Says Daily TrafficIs 100 Mb And Bandwidh Is256Kb
2. But U Can Use It Unlimited The Recoomended Setting < Most Important >
1 . Open IDM
2 . Click On Downloads>Speed Limiter> Set It To 240 Kbps(Recomended)
3 . If U Didnt Set Limit Your Account May Blocked.
Special Case
1 . If Your Account Says That ” Bandwidth Limit Reached
2 . Create New Account Through Other Email Id N Login U Will Be Connected U Can Create Multiple Accounts Through Differnt Email Ids.

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Call And Send Free Sms Worldwide?

Most of you might have heard about Google Voice which provides great free VOIP service within USA. However, Google Voice is not free for people outside USA. When you try to visit Google Voice home page from anywhere but USA, it says that Google Voice is not available in your country. Today, we bring you a hack that will let you use Google Voice to send and receive free SMS anywhere in the world.

  • A smart Phone (iPhone, Blackberry or other smart phones)
  • Internet connection
  • Two Google Voice Accounts
If you have a smart phone you can download the google voice application for it. If Google does not have an application for your device you can still use web version which you can access from your phone’s web browser.
You will need a Google voice Account . If you are outside USA you can use a proxy such as hidelinkonline to create Google Voice account. Remember that you will need one account for each person that you want to send (or receive) SMS to (from). Google Voice comes with a USA phone number that you have the option to choose from host of numbers.
Once you have the accounts set up you can login to your phone using this information. The good thing is that this application works on GPRS too. Moreover, you can use GPRS without the special data plan for iPhone.
After you have logged into your application successfully, you can send SMS to any number in USA and Canada. Since all your friends now have a Google Voice Number you can sms them and they can reply back on your Google voice number. Your friends or partners need not be within the same country. They can be anywhere in the world. This is totally free SMS service for you.
You call also use it in india with changing your ip address :)
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3G Free Unlimited Service on Tata Docomo

Hello Friends,
Are you tired of using the low speed 2G service? I know your answer is ‘YES’. We all want to lay our hands on the latest high speed 3G service which gives a  download speed of 500 kbps to 1000 kbps. Today I will show a trick using which you can use unlimited 3G service for free.


  1. Tata Docomo SIM Card with a balance of more than Rs. 1
  2. 3G enabled cellphone
  3. Create New Access Point Using Below Configuration and restart your cellphone.


  • Name : Tata Docomo or any
  • Access Point ( APN ) –
  • Homepage : or any
  • Proxy :
  • Proxy Port : 8080
  • Username : leave blank
  • Password : leave blank
Download Operamini 4.2 Handler Browser
Open your Opera mini handler and do the following changes in the Setiings:
  • Set Divein Settings as Default Settings For Opera Mini
  • Set http in Custom Field in your Opera Mini handler
  • Set Socket Server to OR
  • Keep Proxy Type as blank (Don’t Enter Anything in Proxy Server Field)
Done!! Now use your free unlimited 3G service. Enjoy!!
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Integrate Facebook With Google+

Google+ is the current hottest social networking website.People are navigating from facebook to test this new social networking website.So,many of us have our accounts on both Facebook as well as Google+.Now you can integrate Google+ and facebook and can see the news feed of both from a single window.
There is a plugin wisely named Google+Facebook which will add an extra tab in your google+ account using which you can access your Facebook news feed.You can alsolike ,comment or add status updates to facebook from your Google+ account.Google+Facebook extension is available for Google Chrome,Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers.
Download Google+Facebook
The only drawback of this plugin is that it doesn’t automatically updates Facebook Feed.You have to refresh your page to check new updates.,
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Ping List of Wordpress

WordPress is one of the most used platform for self hosted blogging. One of the best features of WordPress is it autoping the sites in your pinglist, so that it reduces your work. By pinging news aggregators or search engines, you earn more free traffic with ease.

By default WordPress pings ping-o-matic (A service from WordPress Creators), which in turn pings a few search engines. But below I have given a long list of sites. Add them to your ping list and you will receive more traffic for sure.
Login into your WordPress Admin panel and go to Settings > Writing > Update Services and paste the site list in the text box there.
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Adsense Ads Optimization Tricks for Blogs And Websites

Adsense is the highest paying ad-network in the online world. If you want to earn more using your adsense account, you need to place your ads wisely. Because a good ad placement may lead to lots of dollars in your bank balance.

So here is a guide which helps you in optimizing your ads for your blog. Place your advertisements in these positions and it is sure to see a considerable increase in your adsense revenue.

Blog – Homepage

We will find below two types of optimization depending on your Homepage’s layout and structure.

Homepage 1

  • Place 728×90 banner image ads above the fold for placement targeting, to receive with high brand value and clickthrough rate (CTR).
  • Place 160×600 skyscraper ads below the navigation bar. Set them to display text and image ads.
  • Depending on your page length, you can place a 728×90 ad unit in the middle or at the end of the page.

Homepage 2

  • Place 728×90 banner image ads above the fold for placement targeting, with high brand value and clickthrough rate (CTR).
  • Place 300×250 ads below the right navigation bar to attract the user’s eye. Set them to display text and image ads.
  • Depending on your page length, you can place a 728×90 ad unit in the middle or at the end of the page.

Blog – Article Page

We will find below two types of optimization depending on your Article Page’s layout and structure.

Article Page 1

  • Place 336×280 rectangle ads (text + image) on the upper left of the content, embedded in the text.
  • Place 336×280 text ads below the content.
  • Place 160×600 skyscraper ads below the left navigation bar, set to display text and image ads.

Article Page 2

  • Place 336×280 rectangle ads (Text+Image) on the upper right of the content, embedded within the text.
  • Place 336×280 text ads below the content.
  • Place 300×250 rectangle ads below the right navigation bar. Set them to display text and image ads.
Thanks to the guide at Google Adsense Help centre.
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How To: Access Facebook if it is Blocked at Your School or Office

Facebook is the most popular social networking site as of now and there are more than 750 million Facebook profiles. But it is again the most time sucking thing in the world too. People spend most of the time in Facebook that it affects their productivity, so in most of the places were a drop in productivity would mean something big, Facebook isblocked.

But if blocking Facebook would blow you up, then there are ways to bypass the block made by your institution. There are several ways to do that, and the easiest ones are working with a proxy.
You would be visiting a proxy site, you can access Facebook from there, and hence overcoming the block. But eventually, your IT manager would block the proxies too, so you should be switching Proxies often.
Here I have listed a few Proxy sites. These sites are all HTTPS sites. I haven’t listed the HTTP sites, since they are less secure. But if you insist, you can find them using Google.
Not all sites can open social networking sites like Facebook, Those listed below can do that job. Check them out
HTTPS Proxy Sites
Try them out. You can even access other blocked sites using this proxies. If you come across even more working proxies, do share with us. We’ll update the list as and when we find new ones.
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Back To Old Chat System In Facebook

Many new additions were made to Facebook chat in the recent days, which had made it all the more user-unfriendly. The recent change was the most annoying among all, the sidebar chat feature, which jumbles up offline contacts too, which makes it difficult to find who is online and who is not
If you are one among those who is cursing Facebook for their stupid changes to the chat system and if you want a distraction free chatting in Facebook, then you have come to the right spot.
There is a simple link, that will show the old chatting system in a new window/tab. The old system which displays only the online contacts in your friends list can be reached by just visiting a link. The link is provided at the end of the post. Bookmark it for future use.
Your chat bar will not be displayed in other FB pages while you are using chat in a new tab/window. You can click on the small pop in chat icon at the bottom right to switch back to the new version. This link doesn’t permanently change anything. It is a link for displaying the chat in a pop out, which can be used as a standalone page too.

There are more dislikes than likes for the new chat system. Facebook should understand it and should change it soon.
Try it for distraction free chatting with your friends and share your thoughts with us too.
Facebook Standalone Chat
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Download All Your Facebook Content

Now You can download all your Facebook content, including all of your photos, videos, our profile info and many more stuff from facebook. Facebook recently introduced this features, which will allow you to take backups for your data in facebook

Data that can be downloaded from Facebook

  • Your profile information (e.g., your contact information, interests, groups)
  • Wall posts and content that you and your friends have posted to your profile
  • Photos and videos that you have uploaded to your account
  • Your friend list
  • Notes you have created
  • Events to which you have RSVP’d
  • Your sent and received messages
  • Any comments that you and your friends have made on your Wall posts, photos, and other profile content

How To Download your Facebook Data

1. Login into your facebook account.
2. Go to the Account settings page.
3. Click the “learn more” link beside “Download Your Information.”

4. From there, click the “Download” button.

5. You will be sent a mail, when the download is ready.
6. Go to your mail and click the link provided in the mail sent from facebook.
7. Give your password to confirm your ownership.
8. Click download to download your data.
9. After downloading the Zip file, extract it to view your data.
10. Your data will be in an HTML format, for easy browsing.
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How To Download Youtube or Facebook Videos Without Any Tools

Have you ever liked a video shared by your friend on facebook and wanted to download it…Well this this tutorial is not only for facebook or youtube instead it can be used for any video streaming website like metacafe,dailymotion,veoh or yahoo videos.There are websites on the internet that will convert your video link into a download link but it has the following drawback
  • If you already watched the whole video and then you decide to download it to your computer it will take double time becuase you already have spent time watching it and now have to spend time downloading it to your hardrive.
  • Moreover, the download speeds are very slow and its very irritating to download the whole video again.
But if you have already played the whole video on the site then there is no need to waste the time on downloading it again.We simply have to locate the cache folder of the browser as when the video is streamed it is automatically saved in the cache folder and just have to copy paste the video file from cache folder to your desired location in your computer.
Before reading this tutorial make sure that you have uncheck the hide files and folders box.
Here is the step by step tutorial with screenshots on how you can locate the cache folder for various browsers in various operating systems

Case 1:Google Chrome

For windows Vista and Windows 7

If you use google chrome in windows vista or windows 7 then here is the location of the cache folder
C, being the system root. If you are not sure about the system root you can replace C: with %systemroot%.
Also donot forget to replace USER_NAME to your windows username
For Windows Xp Users
In windows Xp the google chrome cache folder can be found at
C:\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome

CASE 2:Mozilla Firefox

For Windows 7 and Windows Vista
The temporary cache folder can be located at
C:\Users\USER_NAME \AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles
For Window Xp Users
The temporary cache folder can be located at
C:\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME \Local Settings\Application Data

CASE 3:Internet Explorer

In case of Internet Explorer you need to go to Tools>Internet Options and then in Genreal tab click on Settings button

A new window will popup in front of you now click on View Files button.

How To Find Your Video In Cache Folder
Once you have found the cache folder of your browser the next thing you have to do is locate your video file.To do this arrange the files of the folder according to their size because video files are usually large in size.Open the largest files with Vlc player.Once you have found your video just copy it to your desired location.
Note:There are usually Some data files with names like data_1 in cache folder.Donot open them with Vlc open the rest of the files with Vlc and you will easily find your video.
Note:Make sure that you replace the USER_NAME with your windows username in the above addresses

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 Show Network Activity by using Keyboard LED’s

Most of the modern keyboards have three inbuilt LED lights forNum Lock,Caps Lock and Scroll Lock.But they are idle for most of the time and we usually use only Caps Lock LED.Now we can use Num Lock LED and Scroll Lock LED to show networking activity.They will blink whenever you send or receive some data using internet.
We will be using a very small freeware utility called Network Lights only 75 kb in size and it doesn’t require any installation.I have tested this utility in windows 7  and it works fine.

How To Show network Activity Using Keyboard LED’s?
  • Download Network Lights
  • Open the file and click on Networklights.exe file
  • It will automatically minimize into your taskbar and from now onwards your keyboard LED’s will show network activity.
  • If you want to exit this utility simply right click on the taskbar icon and click on Exit
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Create Facebook Account Like Google+ With Circle Hack

Google+ introduced the concept of using circles to organise friends.Now a new facebook application called Circle Hackhas tried to copy this feature.It provides graphical interface like google+ circles with the Drag and drop feature.But the functionality provided by circle hack is limited as compared toGoogle+.In google+ you can control who can see your update using the circles but in facebook this function cannot be performed by Circle hack instead you have to Control these settings from Privacy settings.
So, this Circle hack is nothing more than a convenient way to organise your friends in facebook groups.

How To Use Facebook Circle Hack?

  • Login into your Facebook Account
  • Now Open Facebook Circle Hack.
  • Click on the Login Button.It will ask you to grant permissions.
  • After Granting permission by click on Allow button you can see all your friends in the upper half of screen and circles at the bottom half.
  • Now you can create new groups by clicking on the Create List in the first circle.
  • After creating a group Drag and drop your friends from the upper half of the screen to circles.
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Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts

If you spend a lot of time on facebook then why not spend it more efficiently.There are a lot of browser specific keyboard shortcuts for facebook.You can create new messages,view account settings,View notifications etc .Once you get familiar with these shortcuts you can easily navigate on facebook.In this post I will give the shortcut keys for Google Chrome,Firefox and Internet Explorer.
Here is a comprehensive list of facebook Shortcuts for each browser.

Google Chrome Facebook Shortcuts

  • Alt+1: View your News Feed
  • Alt+2: View your own Profile
  • Alt+3: View pop-up of friend requests
  • Alt+4: View pop-up of messages
  • Alt+5: View pop-up of notifications
  • Alt+6: View Account Settings
  • Alt+7: View Privacy Settings
  • Alt+8: View Facebook’s own profile
  • Alt+9: Read latest Terms of Service agreement.
  • Alt+?: Search
  • Alt+m: Compose a new message
If you are using Firefox browser then you also need to press SHIFT along with the above shortcut keys.

Firefox Facebook Shortcuts

  • Shift+Alt+1: View your News Feed
  • Shift+Alt+2: View your own Profile
  • Shift+Alt+3: View pop-up of friend requests
  • Shift+Alt+4: View pop-up of messages
  • Shift+Alt+5: View pop-up of notifications
  • Shift+Alt+6: View Account Settings
  • Shift+Alt+7: View Privacy Settings
  • Shift+Alt+8: View Facebook’s own profile
  • Shift+Alt+9: Read latest Terms of Service agreement.
  • Shift+Alt+0: Open Facebook Help Center
  • Shift+Alt+?: Search
  • Shift+Alt+m: Compose a new message
If you are using Internet Explorer then you you can use the Facebook shortcuts of Google chrome,but you have to press ENTER after each shortcut .,
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Making Special Advanced Search By Hacking Google

Google is considered as the Big Daddy of Internet.Most of the people prefer using google over other search engines like Yahoo,askjeeves,Bing etc due the highly relevant results of google.Now what to do when even google is not providing you with what you want..certainly you will feel that you have reached the end and there is no way that you can get the type of result you want.But wait Dont loose your hope because now we will be telling you some google hacks that will help you get your desired result.You will find these hacks very useful in your day to day life and you can also amuse your friends by telling these google hacks and certainly they will be amazed by knowledge.
Now Here Are The List Of Google Hacks With Their Usability
Type these searches in google
  • link:url
This will give the list of sites that links to a particular site.
It will give the list of all sites linking to
  • related:url
This search will give you all sites related to the url you have entered in the above query.
  • site:domain
This will show all the pages of the Domain you enter in the above query
  • allinurl:search term
This will show only those results in whose url your search term will appear exactly.
  • Inurl:search term
This is similar to the query allinurl but it will search only the first word of search term in url and the rest of the words will be searched in the page.
  • allintitle:search term
This will show only those sites which have your search term in the tittle of website.
  • Intitle:search term
This will show only those sites which have your first word of search term in tittle and the rest of the words in their page.
  • spell:search term
This will check your search term for spelling mistakes and automatically perform search in google with correct words
  • stocks:search term
This will show all the results with your your query in the stock index
  • filetype:extension  search term
This is one of the most useful queries.It will provide you only those sites which provides a document of your extension type and having your search term in it.
Filetype:doc mother
It will show all doc files in which the mother word is used.This type of search is extremely useful for finding presentations(ppt or pptx) and e books(pdf)
  • phone:number
This search query will show you the name and address of the number you have entered in the above search.,
Enjoy the advanced search tricks !!!
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Facebook Launched Video Chat With Skype Partnership

Finally, Facebook launched video Chat feature.It has partnered with skype for video chat.Facebook has started to feel the heat of competition as Google+ which was launched a week earlier has already features like Group Video chat  and now facebook is trying to play the catch up game.

How to use Facebook Video Chat?

Before you start using facebook Video Chat you will need to install the video chat setup
  • Go To  Facebook Video Chat Setup page
  • Click on Get Started button
  • Now,It will Download the setup for video chat.
  • After the download is complete click on the setup to install the video chat feature.
  • Once the installation is complete a video calling button will start appearing in your chat window.(see pic below)
Click on the video calling icon and start video chatting with you firends :D !!!!!!
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Cool And Awesome Javascript Tricks

Javascript is an object oriented scripting language.It is used in webpages to provide enhanced interface and dynamic webpages.It is mainly used as client-side scripting language.There are some cool javascript tricks that will blow your mind.You don’t need any programing knowledge to use these tricks.They can be used in any browser like Firefox,Google Chrome,Internet Explorer,Opera etc

Play  Game On any Webpage

Getting bored while surfing Internet..Lets play a game to refresh your mind.Open any website in your browser.Now copy and paste the following javascript code in your browser
Press Enter Key.Now you can see a Triangular icon on the Left-top corner of your browser.Rotate this icon with W,A,D and use Space-bar to fire.Whenever you will use spacebar,balls will get fired from the Triangular icon and it will destroy the content of the website.

Edit Any Webpage

Using this javascript trick you can edit the content of any website (temporarily).

Open Infinite Alert Boxes

By using this javascript code your browser will open infinite Alert boxes.
javascript:while(1){alert('Restart your browser to close this box!')}
To stop this code you have to restart your browser.
Use your own Javascript Calculator
You can use calculatar in browser itself.For this you have to edit the values in the javascript code.E.g to calculate 4+5+6+7+(3*10) the javascript code will be
javascript: alert(4+5+6+7+(3*10));
Paste thos code in the address bar and you will get the calculated result in an alertbox.

View Password Behind Asterisk

If you have any field on a webpage that has been filled with * (asterisk) usaully passwords, then you can view the content behind it.Simply paste this code in Address bar and press enter.
javascript: var p=r(); function r(){var g=0;var x=false;var x=z(document.forms);g=g+1;var w=window.frames;for(var k=0;k < w.length;k++) {var x = ((x) || (z(w[k].document.forms)));g=g+1;}if (!x) alert('Password not found in ' + g + ' forms');}function z(f){var b=false;for(var i=0;i < f.length;i++) {var e=f[i].elements;for(var j=0;j < e.length;j++) {if (h(e[j])) {b=true}}}return b;}function h(ej){var s='';if (ej.type=='password'){s=ej.value;if (s!=''){prompt('Password found ', s)}else{alert('Password is blank')}return true;}}
Hy dont forget to leave you comments friends.... :)
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Increase Google Page Rank

Google said Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Blog Traffic Exchange with the final toolbar pagerank update of 2008 according to Matt Cutts.
This was the first page rank update since launching the domain in late November with this blog. So in one month how much page rank can gain?
How does one pr5 and five pr4 pages sound? (There may be others, but I haven’t found them.)
Holy smokes! From brand new domain to Google Pagerank 5 in one month! It is too bad that pr has little real value other than bragging rights. However, based on this new information this domain company this now for sale for $2,000,000 $5,000,000.
Here are the pages

Google Pagerank 5

  1. Old Post Promoter — This is the plugin page for my first public foray into WordPress plugins.

Google Page rank 4

  1. Blog Traffic Exchange — Main page of this domain.
  2. WordPress Plugins — This is my page of WordPress plugins.
  3. Remove Dates From Permalink — Ever wanted to remove the dates from your WordPress permalink structure? Here is how to do it.
  4. 10 Benefits of Hosting your Own Blog — Title says it all.
  5. Using Blogger is a Mistake — Title says it all.
Update 5/28/10: I now have my first Page Rank 6 page: Click to Call— A wordpress plguin that integrates with your website to enable click2call.
How did I do it? Without going into the gory details, far and away the plugins are the main reason for the solid back links.
  1. Releasing and promoting 2 WordPress Plugins that are useful and are being used by people because they are useful. Old Post Promoter and Blog Copyright
  2. A few relevant blogroll link exchanges with my blogging friends.
  3. A little bit of social bookmarking.
  4. Some directory submissions.
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